I think I learned that Github Pages is not per-repo, it is one per Apache

It is a bit easier to have one repo per release product.  Combining repos
for a release is a bit of extra work.  There should be examples in the
IDE-friendly artifact.  IMO, TourJS would have its own release schedule.

My 2 cents,

On 10/2/17, 11:32 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I’d like to setup an example repo so it’ll build a website (i.e. Github
>Pages) where the samples could be run. It seems similar to tourjs in a
>way, but different. “Examples” to me is more like a tutorial on how to
>use Royale while tourjs is more of a reference of the components. They
>seem separate and complimentary.
>> On Oct 2, 2017, at 9:25 PM, Peter Ent <p...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>> I have been thinking that examples should be moved from royale-asjs and
>> put into its own royals-examples repo and then a wiki for that would
>> well.
>> Maybe the tourjs should be a subdirectory in examples.
>> ‹peter
>> On 10/2/17, 2:14 PM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> INFRA just informed us that Github Wikis are now an option and they
>>> to know which repos we want wikis for.[1]
>>> royale-asjs and royale-compiler seem like no-brainers.
>>> What about royale-typedefs, royale-tourjs and royale-website? Does
>>> see a reason for a wiki in those?
>>> At what point do folks think we should set up an ³examples² repo? A
>>> would probably be appropriate on something like that.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Harbs
>>> BpyjIfrx%2FcwnFZAxqD%2FGdT3lvte6%2FWItPQDTIqs%3D&reserved=0

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