Am I right that public vars were no problem in apps compiled for Flash or
AIR use, and that this improvement relates to creating a Royale app for JS


On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 1:26 PM, Alex Harui <>

> Hi,
> I just pushed compiler changes that will default to reporting a new
> warning if you have public var in your Royale code.  Public methods,
> getters and setters are fine, but public vars do not handle minification.
> I also just pushed a sweep of the framework code to eliminate public var
> usage or add a directive to suppress the warning.  At some point in time I
> will probably sweep the examples, but I'm letting it spit a few warnings
> for now.  I hope to remove the * selector this week and that will require
> another sweep of the examples.
> Not using public vars should increase the changes that your minified code
> will run.  I put some information about public var usage in the wiki.  I'm
> not sure if or where it should go in the user doc.  Users may be able
> survive with more public vars since it mainly matters for vars used in
> MXML, Binding, and States.  But we want the framework to be clean, so if
> you see a warning from your framework code, please clean it up.
> Thanks,
> -Alex

Andrew Wetmore

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