HI Alex, Piotr,
final I got it working!
why it was falling is a mystery to me. I updated brew, maven, clean again
.m2 repo.
I restart the Mac (maybe something was locked and need a restart)

Anyway, it seems to work now, so I'm again on the road.

Thank you all for the support! :)

2018-02-22 10:42 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>:

> Hi Carlos,
> Several posts ago I wrote the following:
> "The file I changed in royale-compiler is CSSManager.java.  Add a
> System.out.println("This is Carlos's local copy"); at the beginning of
> getCSSFromThemes.  Delete the compiler jars from your local repo and
> rebuild the compiler then the framework and example.  You should see your
> println in the output.  If you don't then for some reason you are pulling
> the wrong one.  The console output for the compiler should show that it
> put the jars in the local repo.  The console output for framework and/or
> examples should show where it got the compiler jars."
> I'm not sure how to help you more than that.
> I appreciate all of the contributions you've made to Royale, and that you
> have limited time, but we all have to work as efficiently as possible to
> get the most done in the time we have.  It is not efficient for me to
> interrupt what I'm doing to work on what you want me to do and then try to
> get back to what I was working on, and it is not efficient for me to guess
> what might be going on with your computer.  You will have to do most of
> this investigation yourself.  And by doing so, you will hopefully learn
> something that can help you some day in the future, and that will make all
> of us more productive.  Yes, that means in the short term you may not get
> as much done as you would like, but if we don't distribute the knowledge
> and work, the project simply will not scale.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 12:51 AM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
> <carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
> >Hi Alex,
> >
> >I think I must explain why I don't follow your suggetion of using println,
> >so you understand me and my own situation.
> >
> >First, I don't know too much about the compiler part, so don't know in
> >which class I must put that print.
> >(in the end, if you want contributors like me make this you must provided
> >more info since I don't not exactly what you want from me to do)
> >then I don't have my environment setup for java debugging. In the end, my
> >day-by-day work doesn't requiere too much coding anymore
> >since I'm managing a company and this makes me to use docs, sheets and
> >other managing tools, and be part of the day off in meetings,
> >comercial task, talking with customers, employees, providers...and in the
> >end, in whatever I could be required to make things "flow".
> >
> >So I really enjoy contributing to Royale, and for this reason I try to get
> >times here and there to work on things for royale.
> >But I can't do things I'm not prepared to, maybe because is not my area of
> >expertise, or it will make so difficult to me that will make me invest
> >huge amount of time I don't have.
> >
> >It's like if I require you to do things in other areas that you don't use
> >to touch and doesn't have tools right now installed, or doesn't have the
> >exepertise, maybe
> >you could end doing, but the problem is how much time you must invest to
> >learn what I requiere you to do, and how many things have to install and
> >try to end with the
> >expected result
> >
> >Hope you understand that. Is not that I don't want to do that, it's a mix
> >of not knowing what to do, and where to do,
> >and be not prepared to do what you are proposing.
> >
> >Having said that I'll try today to make another cleaning of things and try
> >again to rebuild all to see if this work, since the problem seems to be on
> >my part.
> >If I don't get it to work, I'll assume that something in royale is not
> >working properly for 100% of cases, maybe some maven config or whatever
> >that
> >given a concrete situation in devs machine make it work in unexpected way
> >(wich are bugs very difficult to find).
> >
> >I'll keep you informed as I get all cleaned and rebuild
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >2018-02-21 23:47 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>:
> >
> >> Carlos, I'm using a Mac.  We've seen it work now on two computers with
> >> different operating systems.
> >>
> >> For the 4th time:  Did you try the System.out.println test?
> >>
> >> -Alex
> >>
> >> --
> >> Carlos Rovira
> >>
> >>https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
> http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%
> >>2Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%
> 7Ccfbf9e88c4a249ac837e08
> >>d579d185f2%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%
> 7C63654886316916327
> >>6&sdata=IzftNUoe22bDlCrz55vscC7u%2FAuJrBgVRku15DobVq0%3D&reserved=0
> >>
> >>
> >>

Carlos Rovira

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