Label was one of the very first components and the idea was minimalism.
Button was <button> and TextInput was <input type="text"> and Label was

I'm wondering if we should have NativeButton, NativeLabel, etc. which
would be these minimal elements and have others that are <div> wrapping.
For instance, ImageAndTextButton is a <button><img src="goo.jpg">Label
Here</button> which works but the alignment is weird so maybe
ImageAndTextButton should be a <div><img>Text</div> which can be aligned
and styled better.

Anyway, that's the reason: simplicity.


On 3/15/18, 7:51 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:

>Is there a reason that the element type of Basic Label is span?
>I tried adding a ³TextOverflow² bead to a Label and it does not seem to
>work because spans don¹t really have a working width. Switching the
>element type to div seems to make it work.

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