Case in point:

In my app, I’m using OneFlexibleChildHorizontalLayout which uses flexbox. 
Great. No need for writing values. Right?

Not so fast.

I have fit to view functionality in my app which needs to get the size of the 
flexibleChild which is the container to figure out how much to scale the 
content. The entire fit function takes 36 ms to run. The height getter on the 
flexibleChild *alone* takes 14 ms. If the size of the flexibleChild was 
hard-coded, the getter would not take measurable time.

I have tons of hard coded size and positioning of SVG in my app (literally 
hundreds of DOM objects) and it runs ridiculously fast compared to all the 
Recalculate Styles which are caused by default browser layout.

I’d really love to get some hard numbers from comparing the approaches.


> On Mar 26, 2018, at 11:28 PM, Harbs <> wrote:
> With hard-coded values DOM interaction could be kept to a minimum. It would 
> be an interesting experiment to see what would happen if we *don’t* rely on 
> browser layout and hard code everything.

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