There are tons of discussions on the web about the pros and cons of pixels vs 
em/rem. Some examples:[1][2][3][4][5]

My takeaway is that there’s no one right answer. For predictable layout, pixels 
is safer, but for better reading with accessibility, em/rem might work better.

Simply changing from pixels sounds like a very bad idea. For pixel perfect web 
apps pixels is probably the better choice. It might be a good idea to add the 
possibility of using em and/or rem, but adding more methods to UIBase is 
probably not the way to go about it.

Maybe all the specifications of “px” should be changed to some utility function 
and a mixin could determine the actual value.

My $0.02,


> On Jan 14, 2019, at 5:04 PM, Carlos Rovira <> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> very good question. And I don't know what would be the best...
> Hope others (Alex, Harbs, Piotr, etc...) could give some thoughts about
> this since I'm not sure.
> To put people on track; Mark states that using font size (only) browser
> increase/decrease (notice that Firefox has a built-in control, but Chrome
> needs a plugin), makes Apache Royale
> fonts bigger or smaller while the rest of drawings are not affected. If we
> change from PX to EM units, seems Mark gets right results.
> So, the question should we adapt Royale codebase to manage this?
> Current width/height in UIBase, uses PX and is hardcoded...could we make
> some decoupling or "plug" the right units as we want?, so instead of "px",
> we have a constant or some modifier that could be configured in some part
> (Maybe in Application), so we can set to EM instead to PX??
> I think we need some config here, but that respect actual config, so people
> can use actual PX or change to EM if they want. For example, I think Jewel
> should change to use EM in a global way.
> Thanks
> El lun., 14 ene. 2019 a las 13:39, Mark Kessler (<
>>) escribió:
>> Carlos,
>>    I can give it a shot when I'm at home.  However, what about the
>> direct width/height assignments.  Should they do EM assignment too or
>> should there be a new widthEM heightEM property added?
>> --
> Carlos Rovira

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