Hi All,

just upload a first version of TodoMVC to the website. It implements all
functionality, with Routing and Local Storage included.
Is done with Jewel UI Set showing how you can customize look and feel of
included components (Button, Toggles, List, TextInput, BarRow...).
Still I need to customize the main checkboxes to match the real example to
finish it completely ( I still didn't have time). Hope to do soon.

I'll plan to do another version with Crux, so people could see the
diferences between both, but I worked hard to make this very MVC, ensuring
separation is done correctly, using, events, models, views and controllers.
Let me know what you think or if you find any bug or some issue:


I expect to send to the original website (http://todomvc.com) when is
finished completely and see if they can aggregate.

Source code is here for you to browse:


I'll write about some issues I found tomorrow while writing this, in the
other hand I felt this experiment was a pleasure to do since Royale seems
very robust today as a technology, and we can call it 1.0. Things like
Routing, LocalStorage, Components are mostly all there to use.

This was my first experiment customizing visuals in Jewel and I think it
was very quick to do it.

I tried to make all the example well organized and commented, and expect to
write some docs about it. As always problem is time.


Carlos Rovira

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