On 3/27/20, 11:23 AM, "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:

    Hi Alex,
    well actually it does contain these steps ... however they are automatic.
    The maven release plugin is configured to automatically add a timestamp 
property to the pom.xml as part of the release process.
    The default maven plugins are configured to react on this timestamp and 
create reproducible builds.
Don't we need to be able to manually set a timestamp in order to prove that the 
binaries I produce locally match the one produced by the RM?

    For the Royale modules I added the configuration to the apache-release to 
use that property as reproducible build to the royale-maven-plugin.
    So if the compiler would produce reproducible builds, so would the build.

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