Those scripts are assuming the compiler is copied to the royale-asjs folder 
which is what is supposed to happen as part of the build process.

Why are you using the jars in the compiler repo?

> On Nov 27, 2020, at 4:34 AM, Edward Stangler <> wrote:
> If you use a custom ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME, like I do (on Windows), then
> very few of the build.xml files handle it properly.  Most of them ignore
> the environment variable and just use ${ROYALE_HOME}/js, as you can see
> in what I wrote earlier.
> (ROYALE_COMPILER_REPO is not enough, at least on Windows + several
> things, even with the parent folder as you mentioned.)
> JewelThemeJS/build.xml is one of the few that do it properly.  But most
> don't.
> I'll make the changes and submit them.  There is also a related change
> in royale-asjs/js/bin/mxmlc.bat.
> On 11/26/2020 3:42 AM, Harbs wrote:
>> You shouldn’t need to adjust anything, and no, it’s not generated.
>> I have the following env vars set:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> export ROYALE_COMPILER_REPO=/Apache/royale-compiler
>> export AIR_HOME=/Apache/frameworks/AIRSDK_Compiler
>> export PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=/Apache/frameworks/libs/player 
>> export FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER=/Apache/frameworks/Flash\ Player\ 
>>\ Player\ Debugger
>> export ROYALE_HOME=/Apache/royale-asjs
>> I’m pretty sure that you don’t need ROYALE_COMPILER_REPO if royale-compiler 
>> is in the same parent folder as royale-asjs.
>> You need the Flash ones only if you’re compiling the SWF swcs (which is 
>> advisable).
>> HTH,
>> Harbs
>>> On Nov 26, 2020, at 11:18 AM, Edward Stangler wrote:
>>> Are the build.xml files automatically generated from some other files?
>>> Many of them are not seeing the ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME environment variable, 
>>> so I have to manually adjust this:
>>>   <target name="check-transpiler-home"
>>>       description="Set ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME to point at the 
>>> cross-compiler.">
>>>       <available file="${ROYALE_HOME}/js/lib/jsc.jar"
>>>       type="file"
>>>       property="ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME"
>>>       value="${ROYALE_HOME}/js"/>
>>> to this:
>>>   <target name="check-transpiler-home"
>>>       description="Set ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME to point at the 
>>> cross-compiler.">
>>>       <available file="${ROYALE_HOME}/js/lib/jsc.jar"
>>>       type="file"
>>>       property="ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME"
>>>       value="${ROYALE_HOME}/js"/>
>>>       <available file="${env.ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}/lib/jsc.jar"
>>>           type="file"
>>>           property="ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME"
>>>           value="${env.ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}"/>
>>> And there are a lot of files to modify each time I do this.

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