Oh, really, a vote is required? I assumed the lazy consensus here would be sufficient. Can you share where you saw this?

There's an infra form I can submit to create the new lists once we're sure.

Adina Crainiceanu wrote:
New mailing list creation: from what I've seen, first step is to have a
vote on the creation of the notifications list. Mentors, can you please
confirm that? I can start a vote thread after that.

For the push to the github - can we make a small commit (for example to
update the readme file) to see if that will fix it? That was the suggestion
from Infra last time.

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Aaron D. Mihalik<aaron.miha...@gmail.com>

I concur.  commits@rya and notifications@rya.  How do we do this?

Also, how do we ping infrastructure to let them know that it hasn't been
pushed to github?

As for the 49 emails: yeah, we saw that on the initial commit from Puja,
too.  RYA-7 updated all of the License headers, so we essentially changed
every file in the repo :(


On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 12:44 PM Josh Elser<josh.el...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Wowza. RYA-7 resulted in 49 emails!? One email per diff. Is this
something configurable? I don't recall ever seeing that before on other

But, on topic... I'm a fan of Sean's recommendation for a mailing list
dedicated to general "non-human-generated" messages (commits, CI, etc).

Sean Busbey wrote:
When the Apache Yetus PMC was setting up resources we were going to
skip a dedicated commits list and a few folks spoke up about teh
utility of a dedicated commits alias. I personally don't mind having
things mixed up, but mailing lists are cheap so I generally recommend
taking on things that folks find useful.

If you're going to make an additional mailing list to handle
non-commit automated emails, I'd recommend making it something like
"notifications@rya" instead of "issues@rya" so that when e.g. y'all
add automated CI builds those same emails can go there.

On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 8:27 AM, Adina Crainiceanu<ad...@usna.edu>
I agree, commits should go to commits not dev.  The mailing list is
configured such that replies go to dev list, which I think is

I saw that some projects send the issue tracking changes to commits,
than creating a new mailing list for issues@. For now, should we just
configure the issue tracker to send the automated messages to commits,
then create an issues message list later, or would people prefer an
list right now?

On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 8:16 AM, Puja Valiyil<puja...@gmail.com>
Commits go to commits.  Aaron had also wanted to set up an issues
where things related to jira and automated build related email
would go.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 3, 2015, at 3:04 AM, Sean Busbey<bus...@apache.org>   wrote:

Heya folks,

We have a commits@rya list, but right now all the commit
go to dev@rya.

Would folks prefer that we keep everything going to dev, or change
things so that commits go to commits?


Dr. Adina Crainiceanu

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