Josh Elser wrote:
We spent some time talking through Jira and how as a community we need to
document and conform to standard definitions about jira states.  We
to increase community involvement by:
1.  Establishing WIP pull requests: If a developer has started work, they
should not wait until the work has finished to submit the pull request.
Instead they can submit WIP pull requests and receive feedback as they
develop the feature.
2.  Moving more design discussions to confluence and the dev list:
than having discussions over email (which may happen outside of the dev
list), we should move more discussions related to design to confluence,
jira, and the dev list

Err, hold up. Discussions *must* happen on email. Are discussions
happening outside of the dev list now? The in-person meetings are OK to
talk about ideas, but just reporting minutes and decisions agreed upon
by the IRL attendees is not OK.

Realized that I didn't do a good job clarifying this late last night.

Discussions can (and do) happen offline. The Apache Way isn't trying to assert that this cannot happen. The distinction is that project _decisions_ should not be made in these offline discussions. Ideas/proposals can be thought up offline, but the community at large must still have the ability to participate in discussion.

IMO, email is still the best way to have interactive discussion, but
recording design decisions and architectures on Confluence as reference
material sounds like a good idea to me.

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