Hi Jeremiah,

+1 to what Tom said. Samza currently does not rely on Kafka consumer's
checkpointing behavior and
exposes its own notion of a "lag". This is reported as a per-partition
metric under KafkaSystemConsumerMetrics#messagesBehindHighWatermark
My first recommendation would be to setup alerts on this metric and monitor

To use *Burrow* for lag monitoring, you can extend the *KafkaSystemConsumer*
to implement the
interface. This interface allows you to intercept Samza's checkpointing
sequence and
plug-in your own logic. An example implementation of the CheckpointListener
could instantiate
a Kafka consumer and periodically commit Samza's checkpointed offsets to

Please let me know if you have any questions.


On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:50 AM Jeremiah Adams <jad...@helixeducation.com>

> I am referring to the "Lag" that can exist when a Consumer Offset is
> significantly less than the Log Size. This difference is Lag and is often
> symptomatic of a problem - processing has stopped or being overwhelmed etc.
> Our Legacy Node.js system uses Consumer Groups, (same as say older
> Spark).  To get the Offset, we can use kafka-consumer-groups.sh tool to get
> the offset. For Ops related work we use Kafkamon for these to get a UI up
> for Ops folks.
> Our newer stuff uses Samza and I see zero Consumer Groups. Instead I see
> checkpoint topics (example:
> __samza_checkpoint_ver_1_for_generic-delivery_1). I can consume this topic
> and get the current offset by partition, but I don't have the log size, so
> cannot compute the lag. All I can do is see these numbers increment but
> know clue how behind my process is.
> I just took Linkedin's Burrow (https://github.com/linkedin/Burrow) for a
> test drive locally, hoping it would solve my problem due to it looking at
> the internal consumers. However, I have the same problem - can't get data
> on a consumer group that doesn't exist.
> Jeremiah Adams
> Software Engineer
> www.helixeducation.com
> Blog | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
> ________________________________________
> From: Tom Davis <t...@recursivedream.com>
> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 6:59 PM
> To: dev@samza.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Alerting and Monitoring Samza Checkpointing?
> Have you looked into KafkaSystemConsumerMetrics? Is the meaning of "lag"
> there different from what you mean?
> Jeremiah Adams <jad...@helixeducation.com> writes:
> > We are replacing a node.js app that consumed topics on a Kafka cluster
> with
> > Samza jobs. We use kafka-offsets to trigger alerts based on message lag.
> e.g.,
> > message lag is greater than 10, wake up support persons.
> >
> >
> > Samza doesn't use the same mechanism for offset storage and the tools for
> > examining a topic's checkpoint aren't readily useful for application
> > consumption.
> >
> >
> > Can some of you share your approaches to monitoring and alerting on
> consumer
> > lag?
> >
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> >
> > Jeremiah Adams
> > Software Engineer
> >
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Jagadish V,
Graduate Student,
Department of Computer Science,
Stanford University

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