Kohei Yoshida wrote:
My question is, how do you guys think this integration should be done?
 Especially the way it is done as described above is not good for
localization.  The menu label needs to be empty, and the label needs
to be define elsewhere, properly localized I assume (I'm not really
familiar with how the localization is done).

I could look into find a right way of doing integration, but that
would likely take a long time for me to figure it out.  I really want
some advice on this from you guys.

With modifying files in other modules, you're leaving the path of a "pure" component that can be added to any existing OOo installation. A component can bring its own configuration entries, but as far as I know, it can't add a menu entry at a specific position (why "Data" anyway, shouldn't this go under "Tools", near "Goal Seek"?).

The labels for the built-in menu entries are in officecfg, under registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI. But once we start putting parts into the "sc" module, one might also imagine moving the whole dialog into Calc, taking advantage of the better interaction with reference input (in a built-in dialog, reference input can be started without pressing a button first). We would then have to define a UNO service interface for the solver core, and could allow several implementations of that service, accessed from the single dialog. On the other hand, that might be too much work for now.

Generally, details about a component's integration are better discussed on the api-dev list, because that's not specific to Calc, and others who are not so much interested in Calc might have ideas, too.


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