Hi, all

Currently, we encounter some problems in implementing forward recovery in
saga. If we use synchronous API, the error code will respond immediately if
any exception throws. However, the transaction still goes on until it's
done. It may lead to bad experience to the user as user may see view the
wrong results. In Chris Richardson's talk: "Data Consistency in
microservice using saga"[1], he provides two options as follows:

> Option #1: Send response when saga completes:

     + Response specifies the outcome

     - Reduced availablity

 Option #2: Send response immediately after creating the saga(recommended):

     + Improved availablity

      - Response does not specify the outcome. Client must poll or be
> notified.

And he prefers the #2 option to use asynchronous API.

In my opinion, option #2 seems to be more user-friendly. Any other
solutions for this or any comments for these two options are welcome.

[1] https://www.infoq.com/presentations/saga-microservices

Best Regards!
Eric Lee

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