Well, Saga actually provides guarantee of ACD. You can checkout Chris
latest talk of saga[1] for details. In the original saga paper[2], it
mentions that

> At the outer level full atomicity is not provided. That is, sagas may view
> the partial results of other sagas.
According to the ACID definition[3], it shows saga does not provide
isolation guarantee instead of atomicity as all sub transactions within a
global transaction is either done or compensated.

For each global transaction, it will have both SagaStartedEvent and
SagaEndedEvent while for each sub transaction, it will have TxStartedEvent
and either TxEndedEvent or TxCompensatedEvent. If the global transaction
succeeds, saga guarantees that all sub transactions will have both
TxStartedEvent and TxEndedEvent. If the global transaction fails, saga
guarantees that all completed sub transactions are compensated and hence
have all of TxStartedEvent, TxEndedEvent, TxCompensatedEvent. In this way,
we can guarantee the consistency.

Besides, the implementation of saga coordinator is stateless, all saga
event logs are stored in persistent storage. In this way, we can guarantee
the durability.

BTW, we have refactored the saga lately. The architecture in the blog you
saw is outdated. You can checkout its latest implementation from [4]. If
you have any questions or advice for our new architecture, welcome to point
them out.

[1] https://www.infoq.com/presentations/saga-microservices
[2] https://www.cs.cornell.edu/andru/cs711/2002fa/reading/sagas.pdf
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACID
[4] https://github.com/apache/incubator-servicecomb-saga

Best Regards!
Eric Lee

2018-03-09 15:59 GMT+08:00 Daniel Qian <chanjars...@gmail.com>:

> Hello guys:
> I read the amazing blog "Eventual Data Consistency Solution in ServiceComb
> - part 2" and I'm kind of confused about these two statements:
> > Saga does not provide ACID guarantee, because atomicity and isolation are
> not satisfied ....
> > With durable saga log, saga guarantees consistency and durability
> I guess the first statement is talking about how so called "Transaction"
> behaves in **Saga pattern**.
> And the second statement is talking about the implementation of Saga's
> state store. But that's a little strange to say "Saga provides C and D
> because it's state store provides C and D".
> I think Saga pattern actually does not guarantee either of A, C, I or D. Am
> I right?
> --
> Daniel Qian

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