Hi William,

DolphinScheduler logo means stickers? Anything else?

 Juan Pan

Juan Pan(Trista), Apache ShardingSphere

On 11/26/2019 17:42,William-GuoWei<william-guo...@qq.com> wrote:

We want to print some DolphinScheduler logo for the meetup, how about 

If you want, we can do it together.

Dolphin Scheduler (Incubator) PPMC Member
William Guo Wei

发件人:lidong daidailidon...@gmail.com
发送时间:2019年11月25日(周一) 21:42
主题:Re: [DISCUSS] Co-meetup of Apache DolphinScheduler and Apache ShardingSphere

very glad to hear that you are willing to host this meetup. Haha Best Regards 
--------------- DolphinScheduler(Incubator) PPMC Lidong Dai 代立冬 
dailidon...@gmail.com --------------- Juan Pan panj...@apache.org 
于2019年11月25日周一 下午8:01写道:  Thanks Lidong,    All the items on the agenda except 
an attached image are clear. If needed,  i would like to preside over our 
co-meetup.    Regards,  Trista    Juan Pan    panj...@apache.org  Juan 
Pan(Trista), Apache ShardingSphere    On 11/25/2019 19:43,lidong 
daidailidon...@gmail.com wrote:  dear users and developers,    This mail want 
to synchronize the progress of the co-meetup.      The afternoon agenda:    
14:00 - 14:40 The integration of DolphinScheduler and containerization  
(Xiaochun Liu).    《DolphinScheduler与容器化的融合》 趣加游戏  Committer 刘小春    14:40 - 
15:20 Analyzing of Sharding-Proxy principle (Yonglun Zhang).    
《Sharding-Proxy原理解析》 京东数科  PPMC 张永伦    15:20 - 16:00 Migration and application 
of DolphinScheduler in Baiwang  (Shuang Yang).    《DolphinScheduler在百望云的迁移和应用》 
大数据平台部总监 杨爽    16:00-16:10 Break    16:10 - 16:40 The Architecture of 
ShardingSphere and Roadmap (Juan Pan).    《ShardingSphere的架构及未来规划》 京东数科高级DBA  
PPMC 潘娟    16:40 - 17:20 Roundtable Discussion - How to join the Apache 
community  and to be a committer.    《圆桌讨论 - 如何加入Apache社区并且成为Committer》    Free 
discussion    and the details you can scan the QR code of the image below, 
thanks for  attending the meeting, We eagerly expect your arrival       Best 
Regards  ———————  DolphinScheduler(Incubator) PPMC  Lidong Dai 代立冬  
dailidon...@gmail.com  ---------------    Juan Pan panj...@apache.org 
于2019年11月19日周二 下午12:37写道:   Hi DolphinScheduler community and ShardingSphere 
community,    This email is to give notice that our co-meetup is coming! After 
the  further discussion between two communities yesterday, here is the draft  
schedule:    Meetup date: 8th December  Meetup place: Uncertain location in 
Beijing, depends on the number of  participants and DS community will provide 
it later  Meetup schedule:  - Closed-table meetings respectively from 10AM-12AM 
(ahead of 10AM is ok).  - Round-table meetings together from 2PM-6PM.  - Dinner 
party after meeting over.    This is the first time for two of Apache 
communities to host a co-meetup,  i am glad to see our co-meetup run well. It 
is a draft, any problems,  please follow this thread.    Other than that, don’t 
be shy, please say hello to everyone. :)    Welcome any question and suggestion 
here, but most of all, welcome you to  come and join!      Notice:  For who 
receives the same email: Sorry, a new thread for further  discussion is better, 
IMO.      Juan Pan    panj...@apache.org  Juan Pan(Trista), Apache 

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