
Good idea. It’s a good long-term planning for ShardingSphere.

Haisheng Sun (sunbufu)
Apache ShardingSphere

On 12/9/2019 18:43,Juan Pan<panj...@apache.org> wrote:
Agree with Liang,

Maybe there is no feature benefit apparently, however we make its architecture 
become…a structured plaza with many rooms. Consequently, more contributors 
could fill in specific implements for those rooms with less harms to this 
plaza, i.e our project. Oh, i have a great imagination, don’t you think so? :)


Juan Pan

Juan Pan(Trista), Apache ShardingSphere

On 12/9/2019 14:13,Nicholas<thanosxnicho...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys,
What features will be planned in pluggable platform? And how to assign features 
splits from sharding-core? Based on user concept,what does user benefit from 
this pluggable platform?

Nicholas Jiang

On 2019/12/09 05:29:47, "zhangli...@apache.org" <zhangli...@apache.org> wrote:
Hi, ShardingSphere community,

More and more features are added into ShardingSphere now, as you know, the
scope of ShardingSphere is no longer for sharding only.
There are more and more features related with sharding, such as distributed
transaction, distributed orchestration, observability and so on; and there
are couple of features did not relate with sharding obviously, for example:
encrypt, shadow data source, SQL audit and so on.

I'd like to discuss about establishing a pluggable platform of
ShardingSphere. The proposal of pluggable platform is decoupling all
features and technical implementations, the benefits are:

1. Flexible for add new feature.
2. Reduce the negative effects if problem occur on one feature.
3. Provide a platform to make more contributors work together without
interact on each other.

I plan split all features from sharding-core first, and then use SPI to
introduce features into the pluggable platform(same thing with sharding,
sharding can be remove from main process too).

The pluggable platform is a blank JDBC and database protocol finally,  and
provide assist technical features such as SQL parser and SQL rewrite.

Any advice?


Liang Zhang (John)
Apache ShardingSphere & Dubbo

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