Hello, jun,
PR#5050 fix a long-time bug for adding schema dynamically in sharing-ui.
It's nessesary to include tag 4.1.0 and added to release-note.

At 2020-04-02 13:02:28, "赵俊" <zhaoju...@jd.com.INVALID> wrote:
>Hi, community
>In master branch, since PR#4945 have changed the KeyGenerator API.
>So we plan to create 4.1.0-release branch based on 43d3426 commit, 
>PRs after 43d3426  we will change it to 5.0.0 milestone.
>If you have any question please feel free to let me know.
>Zhao Jun (cherrylzhao)
>Apache ShardingSphere & ServiceComb
>> On Mar 17, 2020, at 1:15 PM, sushixiang <shixian...@qq.com> wrote:
>> Sounds great.
>> And I want to know 'Upgrade to Java 8' has already be finished yet? If not, 
>> I want to join.
>> ------------------&nbsp;Original&nbsp;------------------
>> From:&nbsp;"Zhang Yonglun"<zhangyong...@apache.org&gt;;
>> Date:&nbsp;Tue, Mar 17, 2020 12:30 PM
>> To:&nbsp;"dev"<dev@shardingsphere.apache.org&gt;;
>> Subject:&nbsp;[DISCUSS] 4.1.0 release plan
>> Hi ShardingSphere community,
>> I'm preparing a new release of ShardingSphere 4.x. The new release include
>> a couple significant updates, so the version will be 4.1.0.
>> The target tag is
>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-shardingsphere/tree/dev-5.x which
>> include many bug fixes, enhancement and refactor.
>> All updatas can be found in
>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-shardingsphere/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A5.0.0+
>> .
>> After reviewing those issues, the major items in our next release note
>> would be:
>> - Support scaling for shardingsphere
>> - Optimization for Sharing Parser with ANTLR Visitor for MySQL
>> - Parsing SubQuery
>> - Upgrade to Java 8
>> - Redesign class domain of parser module
>> - Create database protocol module
>> - Create new module for shardingsphere-sql-parse-binder
>> - Refactor orchestration center interface
>> - Improve integrate SQL parser test engine
>> - Decouple UI and ShardingSphere
>> Note: This release note is just a draft, anyone would add on to it.
>> Currently, we are being preparing our next release, i appreciate it if you
>> could pick up more items for next release note, or give your suggestions
>> about this release.
>> Welcome to our release discussion.
>> --
>> Zhang Yonglun
>> Apache ShardingSphere

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