Hi Rene,

thank you very much for the contribution!  A great first step forward.  Can
you send me you Github account so I can send you an invitation to join
OpenDashboards?  I will also create a new OpenDashboards org @ Docker Hub
so we could start gathering the new containers in one place.

Since you have done a lot of work on the social side of things, I think it
would be great if we had your open source projects under the new
OpenDashboards org as plug-n-play components that anyone could use.  To be
honest, I'd really like to plug your social API module to our dashboard and
see where this would take our product. :)

Please feel free to share your thoughts.  I'll also send you an invitation
for our Slack team where we can a more dynamic conversation on all these

Best regards,

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 11:51 AM, René Peinl <rene.pe...@hof-university.de>

> Hi *,
> since some of you requested a version of Shindig that is just working out
> of the box with no lengthy installation and configuration, we've finally
> published our Docker image of Shindig 2.5.2 running on Apache Tomcat 7 with
> Open JDK 7 and our integration code to use neo4j (1.98) as a storage
> backend.
> This version has some additional enhancements compared to the original
> version like friend suggestions based on existing friends and their
> connections as well as queries to determine the connections between two
> people.
> It can be downloaded from Docker Hub
> https://hub.docker.com/r/rpeinl/shindig-ws-neo4j/
> I hope that helps some of you to get up to speed.
> Feedback welcome.
> Regards
> René
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Chris Spiliotopoulos [mailto:chrysanthos.spiliotopou...@gmail.com]
> Gesendet: Montag, 23. November 2015 11:54
> An: dev@shindig.apache.org
> Betreff: Welcome to OpenDashboards!
> Hi friends,
> after gathering all your wishes, proposals and votes on the recently
> created Trello <https://trello.com/b/hUTQuH6q/codename-apache-shindig-2015
> >
> board toady a new open source organization over at GitHub under the name
> of OpenDashboards <https://github.com/orgs/OpenDashboards> has been
> created that will be used as our common placeholder for all the things we
> want to see happening from now on.
> In order to send out invitations to anyone that wishes to join this new
> effort, please make sure you have a GitHub account and post it back to me
> either as a reply to this email or directly through our new Slack <
> https://opendashboards.slack.com> space (channel *github-org*).  For
> those who still haven't signed up with the OpenDashboards Slack team,
> please send me your email as well and I will send you an invitation.
> Please keep in mind that although this new effort has started off as a
> shelter for the Apache Shindig project can clearly  have a bright future,
> since 'dashboarding' is and will be a common requirement for many
> companies, organizations and individual technology solutions.  Having
> stated that, I have a vision that OpenDashboards can easily become the next
> one-stop shop for diverse dashboarding solutions given the appropriate
> context and positioning in the technology space.
> I believe that we should all urge the companies we represent to join the
> effort and contribute to the evolution of an ecosystem we all could benefit
> from.  Also, we could start building collaborations with other open source
> projects and solutions in the same space, or even with various verticals in
> order to start getting attention and traction.
> Now that we have a new home, the next step is to transfer the Apache
> Shindig project to a new repository @ Github at its latest stable version.
> So, @Ryan can you give us the status from your side (and Apache's of
> course)?  Have you cleared things up regarding the transfer?
> Best regards,
> Chris
> --
> Chris Spiliotopoulos
> Solutions Architect | @LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/chris-spiliotopoulos>| @Twitter <
> https://twitter.com/chefArchitect>

Chris Spiliotopoulos

Solutions Architect | @LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/chris-spiliotopoulos>| @Twitter

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