For standalone application which has login page form, i don't have issues.

My Shiro auth provider application doesn't have login page.

Another Java web application has login page and rest controller. It is
spring rest application.

Also, observed log files. Got to know that session id is not present in 2nd
request. See below after successful authentication - 

2018-03-14 07:36:35 DEBUG AbstractAuthenticator:233 - Authentication
successful for token [org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken - nitin,
rememberMe=true].  Returned account [nitin]
2018-03-14 07:36:35 DEBUG DefaultSubjectContext:101 - No SecurityManager
available in subject context map.  Falling back to
SecurityUtils.getSecurityManager() lookup.
2018-03-14 07:36:35 DEBUG DefaultSubjectContext:101 - No SecurityManager
available in subject context map.  Falling back to
SecurityUtils.getSecurityManager() lookup.
2018-03-14 07:36:35 DEBUG DefaultSessionManager:175 - Creating new EIS
record for new session instance
2018-03-14 07:36:35 DEBUG SimpleCookie:226 - Added HttpServletResponse
Cookie [JSESSIONID=66bdc6a8-cf88-4d07-bb38-433754de2c19; Path=/keymanager;
2018-03-14 07:36:35 DEBUG SimpleCookie:226 - Added HttpServletResponse
Cookie [rememberMe=deleteMe; Path=/keymanager; Max-Age=0; Expires=Tue,
13-Mar-2018 02:06:35 GMT]

2018-03-14 07:38:34 DEBUG DefaultSessionManager:218 - Unable to resolve
session ID from SessionKey
[org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.WebSessionKey@4a2bc707].  Returning null
to indicate a session could not be found.
2018-03-14 07:38:34 DEBUG DispatcherServlet:865 - DispatcherServlet with
name 'keymanager' processing GET request for [/keymanager/auth/getalluser]
2018-03-14 07:38:34 DEBUG RequestMappingHandlerMapping:310 - Looking up
handler method for path /auth/getalluser
2018-03-14 07:38:34 DEBUG RequestMappingHandlerMapping:317 - Returning
handler method [public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<?>
2018-03-14 07:38:34 DEBUG DefaultListableBeanFactory:251 - Returning cached
instance of singleton bean 'authController'
2018-03-14 07:38:34 DEBUG DispatcherServlet:951 - Last-Modified value for
[/keymanager/auth/getalluser] is: -1
2018-03-14 07:38:34 DEBUG JpaTransactionManager:367 - Creating new
transaction with name
2018-03-14 07:38:34 DEBUG JpaTransactionManager:371 - Opened new
EntityManager [org.hibernate.jpa.internal.EntityManagerImpl@6bbd16d0] for
JPA transaction
2018-03-14 07:38:34 DEBUG DriverManagerDataSource:142 - Creating new JDBC
DriverManager Connection to [jdbc:mysql://]
2018-03-14 07:38:35 DEBUG JpaTransactionManager:403 - Exposing JPA
transaction as JDBC transaction
2018-03-14 07:38:35 DEBUG DefaultSessionManager:175 - Creating new EIS
record for new session instance
2018-03-14 07:38:35 DEBUG SimpleCookie:226 - Added HttpServletResponse
Cookie [JSESSIONID=22c1bf3e-ff28-4f08-ab8e-7bdb8a48cde7; Path=/keymanager;

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