Hi All

I had completed the test with SkyWalking 5.0.0-apla. Here is the status.


I tested SkyWalking 5.0.0-apla using the following three test examples:
*Example One: *
This example container three application(ProjectA, ProjectB, ProjectC)
Here is the process of this example:
1. Client called ProjectA
2. ProjectA called projectB and projectC
3. ProjectB called Redis、H2 and MongoDB
4. ProjectC called Mysql

*Example Two:*
This example container two project, the two projects use message
middleware(Kafka) to interact.

*Example Three:*
This example wrote by Spring Cloud ecosystem. the example container four
project(ProjectA, ProjectB, ProjectC, ProjectD).
Here is the process of the example:
1. Client called ProjectA
2. ProjectA called ProjectB, ProjectC
3. ProjectB called H2 and also using @Trace annotation
4. ProjectC called www.baidu.com by HttpClient and send message to projectD
5. ProjectD consume the message what send by projectC

*Live demo*

For everyone can see what the SkyWalking 5.0.0-apla looks like. so I build
two online demo environment, The data of those demos are base on real
Live Demo 1:  (China)
Live Demo 2: (HX)

*Agent test report*

I also build the agent test report, here is the agent test report:



On 13 Mar 2018, at 06:25, 吴晟 Sheng Wu <wu.sh...@foxmail.com> wrote:

The test build of 5.0.0-alpha is available.

This is our first Apache Incubator release. And only an alpha release,
because many new features provide.
We welcome any comments you may have, and will take all feedback into
account if a quality vote is called for this build.

Release notes:

* https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/blob/


* https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/

Maven 2 staging repository:

* https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/

A vote regarding the quality of this test build will be initiated
within the next couple of days.

Sheng Wu
Apache SkyWalking creator and PPMC member

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