
On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Ceki Gulcu <c...@qos.ch> wrote:
> I guess that you'd "svnsync initialize" both repositories with a username
> and password of your choice and we'd proceed from there.

OK. I now have a mirror of SLF4J at http://svn-mirror.slf4j.org/repos/.

You should be able to update the mirror with the following command in
a post-commit hook:

    svnsync --non-interactive sync http://svn-mirror.slf4j.org/repos/ \
        --sync-username svnsync --sync-password $PASSWORD

(I'll send you the svnsync password in a private message.)

The svn-mirror.qos.ch address doesn't seem to resolve for me at the
moment, but I'll set up a similar mirror for that once it does.


Jukka Zitting
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