Thorbjoern Ravn Andersen wrote: skrev:
Fewer eclipse warnings

Would it be a reasonable goal that the code base compile without any Eclipse warnings at all?

Reasonable yes, possible no. There are 5 warnings total in the project
(all modules). Two in LoggerFactory about accessing
StaticLoggerBinder.SINGLETON which is deprecated. LoggerFactory
accessing the said deprecated field for backward compatibility
reasons. Thus, we can't get rid of or change that particular code.

There is another warning in StaticLoggerBinder setting a level
variable but never using it. The level variable is set to check for
the presence of an older version of log4j. The same check is performed
elsewhere and we could actually get rid of it.

There are two warnings in EventData about unchecked cast from Object
to Map<String, Object> which I was unable to get rid of.

Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.
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