Actually, you can debug it after deploying it once. This will require
setting some YARN variables to ensure containers are not released even if
the application fails. The agent logs report back the commands being
invoked and the parameters used to invoke them. Let me try to write that up
on the wiki. *I will need a day or so.*

The choice of python was mostly a reflection of going for scripting
language that works on Windows and linux. As such it is possible to use any
scripting language as long as the agent code is modified to handle various
script types. Of course, today the only supported/tested one is python.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 1:55 PM, <> wrote:

> May I ask why do you choose python to write the command script. And is
> there  any other language? I find difficult to debug because each time if I
> find an issue I have to change file package upload to hdfs, rerun and I'm
> not very familiar with python
> Best
> Siyuan


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