When using the Docker capability of the Agent Provider, the metainfo is
zipped into a simple app definition for compatibility with the old method
of providing app packages. You might want the slider upgrade command,
although I think that will restart existing containers in addition to
having new containers use a new configuration. Update is only for changing
the appConfig, while upgrade can change the metainfo for an app. (I am not
completely sure upgrade works with docker mode because I haven't tried it,
but in browsing the code I am not seeing anything that makes me think it
won't work.)

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 4:21 AM, Chengeng Ou <c...@freewheel.tv> wrote:

> Hi, All.
> I’m using slider to deploy dockers. Docker image name is written in
> metainfo.template.
> However, I want to update docker image name, because a new image is
> published. So, I configure the new name in appConfigure.json, and type a
> command like “slider update appName --template appConfig.json”, hoping new
> configuration can override the old one in metainfo.template.
> However, it returns an error: “ERROR main.ServiceLauncher - App definition
> must be packaged as a .zip file. File provided is”. But as for docker app,
> there’s no zip file.
> I want to ask how can I achieve my goal, that is to configure a new docker
> image name in configuration. So any new instances will start with the new
> image one when I use “slider flex xxx –component +1”.
> Thanks,
> Chengeng

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