Hi all,

I'd like to have a method on the SlingHttpServletRequest that
externalizes URLs, ie. just as map() in the resource resolver it
converts an internal resource path into a fully valid URL for access
from the outside:

relative: /my/sub/path => /contextpath/my/sub/path
absolute: /my/sub/path => http://server.com/contextpath/my/sub/path

For URLs relative to the current request, this is already possible by
using one of the resource resolver map() methods:

slingRequest.getResourceResolver().map(slingRequest, "/my/path"))

...which is a bit clunky for placing it into JSPs.

For absolute URLs, that must include a host/port, using map() is not
enough. If no host -> path mapping is configured (eg. myserver.80/ ->
/ in /etc/map), you'd typically like to use the current request as the
default, which isn't done by any of the map() methods.

Also, if a hostname is configured and you use the map(request, path),
because that is required for adding the context path, it will _strip_
it from the map call if the current request goes to that hostname,
which is probably the normal case (this is correct, as the
map(request, path) call is aimed at relative URLs).

Therefore additional methods on the request object make sense, I think.

See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-1629 for a patch.



Alexander Klimetschek

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