Hi Felix,

Am 17.10.10 20:28, schrieb Felix Meschberger:

On 17.10.2010 16:05, Sandro Boehme wrote:
Hi Felix,

thanks for the feedback.
The Swing debugger GUI doesn't seem to work in this case as it cannot
open e.g. the explorer.esp file. It says:
"Syntax error (.../explorer.esp#83)"
This refers to the line containing only "<form action="#">" which is
correct in my opinion.

I would expect the line to be correct, but I must admit to not have used
this for quite some time, so ... this may really not properly work
it does actually work in my environment too. I was just expecting that I have to open the esp file using the menu of the Swing client and then have to set a breakpoint there. But that results in the error I described above. I didn't know that the script loads automatically into the Swing GUI as soon as it is accessed and loaded on the webserver.



Am 16.10.10 20:22, schrieb Felix Meschberger:
Hi Sandro,

The best solution (which I once considered working on a long time ago
but never got around to implement) is to have Rhino debugging support in

But for now, you may set the
"org.apache.sling.scripting.javascript.debug" framework property (e.g.
in the sling.properties file) to true. When this property is set to true
Rhino will launch the Swing debugger GUI (on the server system) once the
Rhino ScriptEngineFactory is started.


On 16.10.2010 15:36, Sandro Boehme wrote:

I'm trying to get into the Sling Explorer and I'm wondering how (or if)
you guys debug these esp scripts? While the Eclipse debugger stops in
jsp files it doesn't stop in esp files as they don't contain Java code.
Is there a special JSR-223 debugger plugin or some trick I don't know



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