Hi Felix,

compilationDone is now triggered in my environment.
At some point I saw that the compilationDone event is triggered for Dim. This gave me a chance to find out how this is all suppose to work.

o Problem one:
I added the new JSDT-based debugger to the listener of the global ContextFactory instead of the current instance.

o Problem two:
The org.apache.sling.scripting.javascript.debug property had to be disabled as otherwise first the JSDT-based debugger specifies itself in the setDebugger() method of a single context. And after that the Rhino-based debugger overwrites this with its own instance. Thus the event was always triggered on the Rhino-based debugger. For some reason the Sling debug property was actually not deactivated when I thought it was.

I will now try to find a way to set an activated breakpoint on the JS files.



Am 22.10.10 16:18, schrieb Felix Meschberger:
Hi Sandro,

On 22.10.2010 16:15, Sandro Boehme wrote:
Hi Felix,

event is not triggered. Do you have an idea what might be different in
your environment?
right now I'm on a good way to find out why the compilationDone event is
not triggered so there is no need for you to invest time in that right now.

Cool. Thanks for the info.




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