Am 29.11.2022 um 16:16 schrieb Robert Munteanu:
> ...

Overall sounds good to me. The only problematic area that I see is the
cpconverter, as that ends up embedded in various tools. Since it's a
one-off, I hope it will not be problematic.

Yes, that was my hope, too. I finished updating the relevant tooling and its slightly more complicated. The cpconverter uses the JCR contentloader which in turn uses javax.json. That by itself is not a issue, however, the way the Apache johnzon library is implemented you can't run the javax and the jakarta version side by side. I tried to use a different implementation, but that broke the JSON parsing. So interestingly there seems to be a difference in the implementations... Anyhow, sooner or later we have to update our bundles as well. With the contentloader it is easy as this only affects the implementation not the api, so I went ahead and updated that bundle as well.

Which then opens the question which bundle we use at runtime for jakarta.json? OOTB the johnzon implementation is too heavy as it has too many dependencies. So we could do the same as for the javax version and provide a commons.johnzon.jakarta module?

Carsten Ziegeler

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