Hi Ian,

What is the data mapping should be between Cassandra and Sling resource. I
mean is a Sling Resource maps to a Cassandra Column ? Or Column Family ?

Because to get this Cassandra and Sling story correct we need to finalize
For an example what we eventually returns is a Sling resource. Everything
that needs to fill in to create Sling resource should be stored in
In a Sling resource,

   - Path - direct sling resource path
   - ResourceType - nt:cassandra
   - ResourceSuperType - ?
   - ResourceMetadata - we can create this on the fly with the data from
   the corresponding column. At insertion, those need to be stored. Following
   are the ones which I thought might be useful by default to be set for any
   node. Please add if we need anything more.
      - ContentType
      - ContentLength
      - CreationTime
      - ModificationTime
   - ResourceResolver -  Do we need a resolver in this case ?

 So I believe in CQL context, one ROW should represent a Sling resource. If
that is the case for ResourceMetadata we might need a separate column to
store it since it has multiple values. I am not sure whether we can do it
with CQL, but it should be possible with hector APIs may be.

Appreciate your thoughts ?

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 1:19 AM, Dishara Wijewardana <
ddwijeward...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ian,
> I am starting this thread to keep track on things related to the GSoC
> project related milestone status updates and related discussions.
> So the first task over view will be as follows as per GSoC proposal
> provided.
> 1. Implementing a CassandraResourceProvider  to READ from Cassandra.
> Implementation Details [1]
> [1] : Implementation Details:
>  1.A) Write a CassanrdaResourceProviderUtil  which is basically a
> cassendra client which will facilitate all cassandra related operations
> required by other modules (CassandraResourceProvider and
> CassandraResourceResolver).
> 1.B) Implementation of  CassandraResourceProvider
> 1.C)  Implementation of CassandraResourceResolver
> 1.D) Implementation of CassandraResource
> And I will start writing the CassanrdaResourceProviderUtil class which
> will do basic add and get using hector API. Please provide any feedback
> that will be useful to accomplish this task.
> So for this how does path mapping should be done. Because for example, the
> path of the cassendra node will not be same as the jcr node path. i.e
> provider will ask a node path /system/myapps/test/foo and where should we
> return it from Cassandra. Aren't we have to first consider the WRITE aspect
> to Cassandra ?
> --
> Thanks
> /Dishara


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