Hi Bertrand,
This looks a bit too magical to me :) All you're avoiding is a single
include line, right? Or am I missing something?

You could also do the same thing (more or less) with a BindingsValuesProvider.


On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
<bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> From the funky prototypes department: I was talking to a colleague
> this week about how to minimize the amount of code in presentation
> templates, and we came up with the idea of having a setup script run
> at the beginning of the request processing, to prepare values,
> functions, iterators etc. for rendering scripts.
> I have created a prototype at
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/whiteboard/bdelacretaz/request-context
> - to play with it, install it, request
> http://localhost:8080/apps/requestcontext.html and see the commented
> scripts under /apps/requestcontext [2]
> Here's how this works:
> A Filter finds and executes the script that would process the same
> request as the current one if it had the "setup" extension, before the
> actual request processing takes place.
> In our example that's /apps/requestcontext/setup.ecma which contains things 
> like
>   rc.u.title = "Here's the title for " + rc.path + ", computed at " +
> new Date();
> The rc object is our "request context", that provides easy access to
> standard (rc.<name>) and freely defined user values (rc.u.<name>).
> You can then use the rc object in the rendering script, which in this
> case would contain just
>   <h1><%= rc.u.title %></h1>
> but the title building logic is neatly separated in its own script,
> reusable, doesn't pollute rendering etc.
> This might be especially useful in the context of templating languages
> like Sightly [1] that want to avoid code in rendering templates.
> The setup script can also play the role of a mini-controller, as it
> can redirect, fail or forward the current request.
> My prototype doesn't require any changes to the Sling code, so we can
> very keep that as an experimental extension for now, if we want to
> move it out of the whiteboard.
> Feedback is welcome as usual.
> -Bertrand
> [1] 
> http://www.pro-vision.de/content/medialib/pro-vision/production/adaptto/2013/adaptto2013-sightly-gabriel-walt-honwai-wong-senol-tas-pdf/_jcr_content/renditions/rendition.file/adaptto2013-sightly-gabriel-walt-honwai-wong-senol-tas.pdf
> [2] 
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/whiteboard/bdelacretaz/request-context/src/main/resources/SLING-CONTENT/apps/requestcontext

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