Am 17.10.14 um 12:26 schrieb Stefan Seifert:
>> But what is the preferred way to get a configuration? I would assume
>> that you get a configuration for a key similar to the pid for OSGi
>> configurations. From an API point of view a
>> T[] getConfiguration(String key, Class<T> type);
>> for a single and
>> T[] getConfigurations(String key, Class<T> type);
>> for multiple would do?
> proposal how the API can be used:
> ---
> Configuration config = resource.adaptTo(Configuration.class);
> // single access
> String value = config.get(MyTypedConfig.class).getParam1();
> // multiple acces
> MyTypedConfig[] myconfigs = config.getMultiple(MyTypedConfig.class);
> String value = myconfigs[0].getParam1()
> ---
> i thought about if we can get rid of the Configuration.class at all and 
> directly use MyTypedConfig.class or MyTypedConfig[].class in the adaptTo() 
> call, but i'm not sure if that’s working with annotation types. or use 
> Configuration.class only in cases where you need string-based value map 
> access.
> i currently do not see a need for a "key" when accessing the typed 
> configuration.

Right, the resource path is the key - I'm fine with that.

I guess we need the Configuration for all use case where people don't
want to define their configuration type. Directly adapting to
MyTypedConfig or MyTypedConfig[] class is nice, but requires that you
register each and every configuration type through an adapter factory.
And if you want to use a different one, this gets difficult.

So I think adding an adaptTo method to Configuration might do  the trick:

MyTypedConfig =

The adaption within the implementation of the configuration class can be
done on the fly by creating a proxy.
We should check if
would be implementable as well.


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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