Bertrand Delacretaz wrote
> Hi,
> This old and fun topic again ;-)
> Quoting an interesting idea suggested by Carsten in SLING-5337
>> ...To find out when the system is ready we could define a service interface
>> with some properties, maybe a name property which holds the name of
>> the application. When that application is started, this service
>> is registered and other parties can listen for this ...
> Making our readiness detection more granular can be very useful, and I
> think there's some parallels with the OSGi capabilities model.
> How about using a similar model for our readiness detection?
> Capability names like the following come to mind to identify various
> stages of readiness:
>   osgi.startup.done
>   http.server.ready
> etc...
> I don't know if OSGi capabilities are meant to be static or if they
> can come and go - if the latter we might even use them directly for
> this.
OSGi capabilities are static and can only be defined through headers on
the bundle.


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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