Julian Reschke wrote
> On 2016-10-07 08:04, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>> ...
>> The easiest solution that comes to my mind is:
>> Whenever a nt:resource child node of a nt:file node is created, it is
>> silently changed to oak:resource.
>> Carsten
>> ...
> Observation: that might break code that actually wants a referenceable
> node: it would create the node, check for the presence of
> mix:referenceable, and then decide not to add it because it's already
> there.

Well, there might be code that assumes that a file uploaded through
webdav is using a resource child node that is referenceable.
Or a file posted through the Sling POST servlet has this. Now, you could
argue if that code did not create the file, it should check node types,
but how likely is that if the code has history?

So whatever solution we pick, there is a risk that existing code fails.

Having a single place / configuration where the magic is done, helps in
disabling the magic if required. Spreading it across modules is calling
for more trouble.

And I'm still wondering how likely it is that some code out there
assumes that the resource child node of a file is referenceable and is
actually using this.


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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