> 1. Users can freely define sling:resourceType properties

Is there some reason why this must be so?  In JCR land, the
jcr:nodeTypeManagement privilege must be granted for the user to have
permission to add and remove mixin node types and change the primary node
type of a node.  I would expect that a similar elevated privilege could
protect against unwanted modifications of the sling:resourceType values by
the wrong users.

For #2 and #3, perhaps what you are really describing is a mechanism for
defining and checking what I would call "functional privileges"?  In other
words, not the same as permissions on the data, but permissions on the
action.  Would it be necessary to associate those "functional privileges"
to a resource type?  I can imagine you may want to define a "functional
privilege" that could be checked by some
servlet/filter/component/osgi_service/model/other that works for many
different resource types or no specific resource type at all.

For example,
1. Imagine a resource defined at
"/etc/functional_privileges/yourapp/usage_report" whose "jcr:read"
permissions determines if the user can perform the "usage_report" servlet
2. Then the "usage_report" servlet simply has to has to check if the
"yourapp/usage_report" resource at #1 exists for the current user (or some
higher level API that does the same) to know if the servlet should proceed
or return an error code.
3. For scripts, perhaps a sling:functionalPrivilege property on the
resource could define what is required and block the script processing
generically when those conditions are not satisfied.

That's my 2 cents..


On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 2:40 AM Radu Cotescu <r...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Since this thread exploded so quickly it’s going to be difficult to
> respond to all of your questions / concerns individually. We eagerly
> started discussing implementation details (of which I’m to blame too) and I
> think we didn’t read between the lines of this thread or the previous [0]
> to check what the perceived problems are.
> Both threads identified several issues:
> 1. Users can freely define sling:resourceType properties
> 2. Through 1, users can therefore trigger code execution which is not
> always appropriate (depends on how Servlets / scripts are written and the
> potential they have to DoS a system or to expose sensible information to
> users which shouldn’t have the ability to perform those operations)
> 3. For some operations (servlet execution, tasks, etc.) we might want to
> provide a set of permissions to check beforehand in order to decide if a
> user is allowed to perform said operation or not.
> In this thread I proposed an idea to fix issue no. 2 (which IMO is easier
> to accomplish) - and by fix I mean provide a way to define who can execute
> what - so that we don’t care about issue no. 1 any more.
> Let’s try to figure out if indeed these are some serious problems that
> need to be addressed or not. We can discuss implementation       details
> afterwards.
> Cheers,
> Radu

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