ah, ok - this sounds like fsresource 1.2.2 (all the new stuff was added in 2.x).
in this case it might make sense to create a new bundle without the existing 
one, or maintain the 1.x branch in parallel to 2.x or fork it to a new bundle.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Carsten Ziegeler [mailto:cziege...@apache.org]
>Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 11:51 AM
>To: dev@sling.apache.org; Stefan Seifert
>Subject: Re: [RT] Simple File System Resource Provider
>It's only 1 - 2 from your list is taking a structured json and creates
>resources out of the structure (if I'm not mistaken) which is something
>I don't need.
>With the approach I hope there is no need for b) (caching) as the
>mapping is 1:1 (more or less). As there is no need for cachign I don't
>think a) is needed either.
>Am 12.11.2018 um 11:23 schrieb Stefan Seifert:
>> so from my list below your use case is 1. + 2. + a) + probably b) and
>leaving out the other parts?
>> or something different from what is implemented currently?
>> stefan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Carsten Ziegeler [mailto:cziege...@apache.org]
>>> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 11:20 AM
>>> To: dev@sling.apache.org; Stefan Seifert
>>> Subject: Re: [RT] Simple File System Resource Provider
>>> Hi,
>>> I would be totally happy if we can factor out the extensions, I'm
>>> wondering however if this is worth the effort.
>>> In my use case, I would like to have a simple mapping to directories and
>>> files, supporting json and binary files. So a resource maps to a json
>>> file 1:1 regardless of the structure of the json file and a such a
>>> resource can have an additional binary.
>>> I understand the need for the support of all the other features we have
>>> today, but they are not needed for other use cases.
>>> Regards
>>> Carsten
>>> Am 12.11.2018 um 11:06 schrieb Stefan Seifert:
>>>> yes, the current implementation of the fsresource provider is no longer
>>> any simple.
>>>> it currently supports three (configurable) modes:
>>>> 1. simple mapping of folders and binary files from filesystem (this was
>>> the starting point of fsresource)
>>>> 2. reading structured resource data from JSON files and folders in the
>>> same way it is done by the content loader
>>>> 3. reading structured resource data from FileVault XML files as it's
>>> stored in content packages
>>>> and features:
>>>> a) sending resource events if any of these files are changed in runtime
>>>> b) implement some caching to speed things up
>>>> c) support not only the Sling Resource API, but also simulate an
>>> underlying JCR API for code that runs on top which is still using the
>>> API for cases where also the Sling Resource API would suffice but cannot
>>> changed because it's part of a product...
>>>> so the use case ranges from simple mapping of a bunch of static files
>>> full-blown emulation of a JCR repository out of a complex project
>>> in the filesystem e.g. for usage in a development environemnt (see [0]).
>>>> ---
>>>> removing the embedded json libraries should be simple, it was only for
>>> convenience when the fsresource bundle is to deployed afterwards to an
>>> existing instance.
>>>> but the dependencies to all those JCR-related bundles remains as long
>>> all three modes and features need to be supported.
>>>> i'm not sure if implementing a new fsresource provider e.g. only for
>>> 1.+2. from scratch would be the best way. there is a lot of special
>>> for edge cases esp. in 2. to make sure it behaves the same as the
>>> loader which we have then to duplicate another time. it should be
>>> to split the existing fsresource into a core and extension bundle as
>>> somewhat separated already due to the different supported modes
>>> and the virtual JCR API support could be made configurable as well.
>>>> supporting Java 8 features for the filesystem changes detection would
>>> a good thing; last time i was looking into it i failed to make good use
>>> it due to strange implementation differences on windows and unix file
>>> systems (and those differences where covered by the JavaDocs). but maybe
>>> there is a way to do it right.
>>>> stefan
>>>> [0] https://adapt.to/2017/en/schedule/ease-development-with-apache-
>>> file-system-resource-provider.html
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Carsten Ziegeler [mailto:cziege...@apache.org]
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2018 10:56 AM
>>>>> To: Sling Developers
>>>>> Subject: [RT] Simple File System Resource Provider
>>>>> I've recently tried to run a minimal Sling without JCR. Obviously you
>>>>> need at least one resource provider to have some content, so I picked
>>>>> the easiest choice, the file system resource provider.
>>>>> However, it turned out that this is not the easiest choice for this
>>>>> scenario as it has a lot of features, especially support for handling
>>>>> content XML files and vault files, which again brings in the whole
>>>>> dependency list to jcr related bundles. In my case I just want to
>>>>> binaries and json files, so none of the above is needed. But still I
>>>>> need to deploy all the bundles. In addition there are other things
>>>>> the json parsing library is embedded in the bundle etc.
>>>>> Now, I think we should really have a simple file system resource
>>>>> provider which only does the basics and has not an endless list of
>>>>> bundles. I see two ways to get there: make the current provider
>>>>> extensible and provide all this extra cruft as extensions or write a
>>>>> simple provider.
>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Carsten
>>>>> --
>>>>> Carsten Ziegeler
>>>>> Adobe Research Switzerland
>>>>> cziege...@apache.org
>>> --
>>> Carsten Ziegeler
>>> Adobe Research Switzerland
>>> cziege...@apache.org
>Carsten Ziegeler
>Adobe Research Switzerland

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