Hi all,

I found this jira for an issue I ran into recently:

My initial idea for a fix is to change SortMergeJoinExec's (and
ShuffledHashJoinExec) requiredChildDistribution.

At least if all below conditions are met, we could only require a subset of
keys for partitioning:
left and right children's output partitionings are hashpartitioning with
same numpartitions
left and right partition expressions have the same subset (with regards to
indices) of their respective join keys

If that subset of keys is returned by requiredChildDistribution,
then EnsureRequirements.ensureDistributionAndOrdering would not add a
shuffle stage, hence reusing the children's partitioning.

1.Thoughts on this approach?

2. Could someone help explain why the different join types have different
output partitionings in SortMergeJoinExec.outputPartitioning


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