It looks like there are two topics:
1. PRs with -1
2. PRs with someone asking to wait for certain days.

Holden, it seems you are hitting 2? I think 2 can be problematic if there
are people who keep asking to wait, and block the PR indefinitely. But if
it's only asked once, this seems OK. BTW, since it's not a -1, so
policy-wise we can still merge the PR if we think the PR already gets
sufficient review.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 4:33 AM Sean Owen <> wrote:

> I agree with all that, and would be surprised if anyone here objects
> to any of that in principle. In practice, I'm sure it doesn't end up
> that way sometimes, even in good faith. That is, I would not be
> surprised if the parties involved don't even see the disconnect.
> What are the specific examples? for private@ if necessary, but, I
> think dev@ could be fine because we're discussing general patterns
> from specific examples, for everyone to learn from. This isn't
> necessarily about individuals. (Heck, maybe I've gotten it wrong
> myself)
> One general principle I'd add: we are probably getting more
> conservative about big changes over time as Spark enters the long
> plateau of maturity. See the discussion about breaking changes in 3.0,
> or comments about waiting for review. That argues even more against
> proceeding against raised issues.
> On the flip side, we have to be constructive. I like the idea of
> proposing alternatives. Can you achieve this goal by doing Y instead
> of X?  I also think there's a burden on the objector to provide a
> rationale, certainly, but also drive a resolution. That could also
> mean standing firm on the objection but calling in other reviewers and
> being willing to accede to a majority. Put another way: someone who
> objects and never really follows up with a path to consensus about
> compromise or rejection isn't really objecting correctly. We can VOTE
> if needed, but, if someone objected and didn't follow up and I
> couldn't find anyone else backing it up and thought I'd addressed the
> objection, I'd consider it resolved and proceed.
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 3:18 PM Holden Karau <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Spark Development Community,
> >
> >
> > Since Spark 3 has shipped I've been going through some of the PRs and
> I've noticed some PRs have been merged with pending -1s with technical
> reasons, including those from committers. I'm bringing this up because I
> believe we, as PMC, committers and contributors, do not currently have a
> consistent understanding, and I believe we should develop one. The
> foundation level guidance is at
> >
> >
> >
> > It is my belief that we should not be merging code with -1s from active
> committers, -1 is a very strong signal and generally a sign that we should
> step back and try and build consensus around the change. Looking at how the
> httpd project (e.g. the original Apache project) handles it
> it seems to be that
> once a -1 from a committer is received we can no longer use our regular
> lazy consensus mechanism for the change, and we then need to have a vote or
> get the -1 resolved with the person who placed it.
> >
> >
> >
> > Now of course, if the -1s aren't following the guidelines that's a
> different story (e.g. no technical reason provided), but regardless a -1
> from a committer to me would require a public vote on dev@ following the
> foundation's voting guidelines.
> >
> >
> >
> > I believe, especially in the Spark project, committers have demonstrated
> sufficient merit and they are qualified to vote on code changes so a -1
> should block merging, however in talking with other ASF projects there are
> a variety of ways of handling this. The unanimous opinion from the
> different folks I talked with is that any technical disagreement should be
> considered before moving on. Just waiting a few days and merging the code
> is not a valid solution. In the context of how much work and history we've
> chosen to require Spark committers to demonstrate, most folks seem to
> believe that committers in the Spark project would be qualified voters for
> these purposes.
> >
> >
> >
> > In general I expect -1s to continue to be relatively rare in the Spark
> community, and if this is no longer the case I believe we should take the
> areas where we are seeing more -1s and have a broader discussion to give us
> the opportunity to build consensus prior to making any further non-bugfix
> changes in those components/areas. Most folks from other projects seemed to
> share this concern as well.
> >
> >
> > One of the things that was also brought up in this context is some
> projects require -1s to provide an alternative suggestion as well as the
> technical objection. That could be something we, as a project, could adopt
> if were concerned with over use of -1s.
> >
> >
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> >
> >
> > Holden
> >
> >
> >
> > P.S.
> >
> >
> >
> > I know this may be a sensitive topic, and we're all under more stress
> than usual right now. I appreciate everyone's patience while we discuss
> this. I know I find this a sensitive topic as well given the seemingly
> inconsistent standards. I'm tired of having people ask me to wait on PRs
> that have been open for more than a month and merging their own code with
> pending substantial issues raised by qualified members of the community.
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm not saying that the actions taken were necessarily wrong, just that
> I believe reaching a common understanding here is crucial to the healthy
> functioning of the project.
> >
> >
> >
> > I have not included any specific examples of this since this is the
> public list and I believe discussions involving individuals does not belong
> on dev@. If we want to discuss the specific situations that I noticed
> from the Spark 3 release, we can fork that conversation to private@.
> >
> >
> >
> > For any ASF members you can also find the discussion with folks from
> other projects and their views on that mailing list and get at the details.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Twitter:
> > Books (Learning Spark, High Performance Spark, etc.):
> > YouTube Live Streams:
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