I am not a Spark committer and haven't been working on Spark for a while.
However, I was heavily involved in the original cogroup work and we are
using cogroup functionality pretty heavily and I want to give my two cents

I think this is a nice improvement and I hope someone from the PySpark side
can take a look at this.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 5:29 AM Santosh Pingale
<santosh.ping...@adyen.com.invalid> wrote:

> Created  a PR: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/39902
> On 24 Jan 2023, at 15:04, Santosh Pingale <santosh.ping...@adyen.com>
> wrote:
> Hey all
> I have an interesting problem in hand. We have cases where we want to pass
> multiple(20 to 30) data frames to cogroup.applyInPandas function.
> RDD currently supports cogroup with upto 4 dataframes
> (ZippedPartitionsRDD4)  where as cogroup with pandas can handle only 2
> dataframes (with ZippedPartitionsRDD2). In our use case, we do not have
> much control over how many data frames we may need in the
> cogroup.applyInPandas function.
> To achieve this, we can:
> (a) Implement ZippedPartitionsRDD5,
> ZippedPartitionsRDD..ZippedPartitionsRDD30..ZippedPartitionsRDD50 with
> respective iterators, serializers and so on. This ensures we keep type
> safety intact but a lot more boilerplate code has to be written to achieve
> this.
> (b) Do not use cogroup.applyInPandas, rather use RDD.keyBy.cogroup and
> then getItem in a nested fashion. Then convert data to pandas df in the
> python function. This looks like a good workaround but mistakes are very
> easy to happen. We also don't look at typesafety here from user's point of
> view.
> (c) Implement ZippedPartitionsRDDN and NaryLike with childrenNodes type
> set to Seq[T] which allows for arbitrary number of children to be set. Here
> we have very little boilerplate but we sacrifice type safety.
> (d) ... some new suggestions... ?
> I have done preliminary work on option (c). It works like a charm but
> before I proceed, is my concern about sacrificed type safety overblown, and
> do we have an approach (d)?
> (a) is something that is too much of an investment for it to be useful.
> (b) is okay enough workaround, but it is not very efficient.

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