On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Stefan Teleman
<stefan.tele...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>> Since being tasked as chair, I've seen no activity. There was
>> an email from Bill regarding 2 "outstanding" iCLAs, but the response
>> from one of the "committers" was less than optimistic.
>> That's it. No Emails on dev@ or private@, no code activities,
>> really no evidence at all of "renewed" interest/health/activity
>> in stdcxx land.
>> Am I wrong?
> I haven't received any of Bill's emails. and I noticed that the
> nightly build emails which had re-started in February have stopped.
> I attached a proposed patch for stdcxx-1058 but I haven't received any 
> comments.

I am going to ask the following questions in the open. Perhaps this
way I will get an answer:

1. Apparently, "Bill's emails" were sent and replied to on the private
list. I have not received any of them, although I am on the private
list. Or at least, I was on the private list as recently as late
March. Is this a case of mailing list malfunction? If that is the
case, it should be fixed.

2. Which Bill are we talking about? I know of two Bills at stdcxx. A
clarification would be welcome.

3. There was a recent and important PMC change at stdcxx.
Congratulations to Jim Jagielski for his new role as PMC Chair. Again,
I learned of this change yesterday, and that only from Jim's email. I
haven't received any notification about Jim's appointment prior to
yesterday, although, to be fair, I knew about it at the beginning of
May, because I read the ASF Board Minutes. Again, why wasn't there any
notification of this change?

4. The nightly build emails, which had restarted towards the end of
February/beginning of March, have stopped. Why is that?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Thank you.


Stefan Teleman
KDE e.V.

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