On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 5:47 AM, Stefan Teleman <stefan.tele...@gmail.com> 
> I am going to ask the following questions in the open. Perhaps this
> way I will get an answer:
> 1. Apparently, "Bill's emails" were sent and replied to on the private
> list. I have not received any of them, although I am on the private
> list. Or at least, I was on the private list as recently as late
> March. Is this a case of mailing list malfunction? If that is the
> case, it should be fixed.

The e-mails regarding the ICLAs were sent to the @private list on 5/1.

> 2. Which Bill are we talking about? I know of two Bills at stdcxx. A
> clarification would be welcome.

William A. Rowe Jr.

> 3. There was a recent and important PMC change at stdcxx.
> Congratulations to Jim Jagielski for his new role as PMC Chair. Again,
> I learned of this change yesterday, and that only from Jim's email. I
> haven't received any notification about Jim's appointment prior to
> yesterday, although, to be fair, I knew about it at the beginning of
> May, because I read the ASF Board Minutes. Again, why wasn't there any
> notification of this change?

I read about it in the e-mail entitled 'ASF Board Meeting Summary - April 18, 
2012'. I don't normally read the meeting minutes, but I figured something was 
coming given the kerfuffle over the lack of a March status report (all of which 
was discussed on the @private list).

> 4. The nightly build emails, which had restarted towards the end of
> February/beginning of March, have stopped. Why is that?

It looks like the February builds were kicked off manually by Farid. I'm not 
sure if the build system is configured to poll svn automatically or not, but 
the last submit to stdcxx was on 2/20, so there has been no need to do any 
builds since that time.


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