The UI pulls it from nimbus using the thrift API.
is the API definition, although it may be different depending on which version 
of storm you are using.
 getTopologyInfo has executors in it, and each of them has a scheduling 
including host and port.  Although the scheduling might be null if they are 
being rescheduled. - Bobby 

    On Thursday, September 15, 2016 12:22 PM, Aakash Khochare 
<> wrote:


I am running storm on two VMs(ubuntu 16.04, 2GB Ram) on my laptop(in 
distributed mode). The issue is that the VM runs out of RAM as soon as I start 
a simple(but with a large number of workers) topology.

Actually I am interested only in the executor-Id to Slot-Id mapping from the 
Default Scheduler and I need it real quick as I am on a strict deadline. 
Getting it through the UI is near impossible as browsers take up too much RAM. 
Shifting to a different environment isn't really feasible. Can I get the 
mapping from say a file? Or where does the UI pick it up from?

Aakash Khochare


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