Finally Pacemaker H/A, Supervisor V2, and Storm SQL PRs which were opened
at the last mail (4 weeks ago) are all merged to 1.x branch.

There're some more PRs on Storm SQL opened, but given that we can release
new minor at any time when we feel it's enough change, I can wait for it.
They didn't get reviewed yet indeed.

Is there something else we would want to include it to 1.1.0?

Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

2016년 10월 1일 (토) 오전 9:30, Jungtaek Lim <>님이 작성:

> Personally, merging and porting back to three branches are painful enough,
> especially we don't have merging script and having verbose process (I mean
> It would be better if merging process is automated (by running script or
> so), so I'd +1 to revisit Harsha's suggestion (adopting Kafka merge script)
> and modify script to fit to Storm.
> (It will not work if it's the case we need to handle PRs for each version
> line, since 'Close' in commit log doesn't close the PR if its target branch
> is not master.)
> Anyway, without automation I don't want to maintain more version lines.
> I'm looking at the announces from other projects, and others are only
> maintaining two version lines.
> Since we maintain 2.0.0 version line we can't reduce version lines to 2,
> but hopefully at most 3.
> Btw, let's check pending pull requests and enumerate which can be included
> in 1.0.0, and start/finish review and merge them soon.
> For me Supervisor V2 and Pacemaker H/A, and pending Storm SQL PRs can be
> included, since they are small or in reviewing and expected to pass review
> phase soon.
> (And some small PRs. There're other valuable PRs in PR list but I'm not
> sure we can review them soon. One example is unified API.)
> One issue which is not clear is STORM-2006
> <>. This is a candidate for me,
> but gets blocked while reviewing. If we plan to put great effort to revise
> Metric we can skip this.
> Please enumerate other PRs as well if you want to include in 1.1.0.
> Thanks,
> Jungtaek Lim
> 2016년 9월 30일 (금) 오후 11:09, Bobby Evans <>님이 작성:
> Sounds good to me.  It would be nice to get some of the new features out.
> Do we expect to maintain both 1.0.x and 1.1.x lines with bug fixes?  And if
> so for how long do we want to do this for? - Bobby
>     On Thursday, September 29, 2016 7:35 PM, Jungtaek Lim <
>> wrote:
>  Hi devs,
> It's been 5 months after releasing Storm 1.0.0, and now 1.x branch has lots
> of CHANGELOG and also pending reviews.
> It's also been a long time after 1.1.0 RC1 is canceled.
> I think it may be good to put some efforts to review and merge pending pull
> requests (except things which takes time to review and test), and release
> 1.1.0 soon.
> What do you think?
> I'm also open to volunteer release manager for 1.1.0 after we document the
> process of official release.
> Thanks,
> Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

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