If we leave 1.x in this state it will forever remain un-usable within IntelliJ 
..  hard to debug, UT etc. And 1.x will live for a while. Is rolling back some 
of the non-critical offending commits that are causing this an option ?  i 
tried rolling back a bit but was unable to identify the offending commit.

On 2/28/17, 9:13 PM, "Arun Iyer on behalf of Arun Mahadevan" 
<ai...@hortonworks.com on behalf of ar...@apache.org> wrote:

    >If we really need long time to discuss above, I'm even OK to revert DRPC
    >port and start 2.0.0 with webservices unported, (DRPC, UI, Logviewer) and
    >address them at 2.1 or other minor versions.
    >Any other opinions?
    Yes, it may be better to move to 2.0 sooner and migrate the pending 
components in 2.1. May be what we need is more rigorous testing of the master 
branch before we release 2.0.
    We could also consider moving to JDK 8 for the next 1.x release and it 
would make porting patches to 1.x branch much easier (unless we want to do a 
JDK upgrade only with 2.0).
    On 3/1/17, 7:40 AM, "Jungtaek Lim" <kabh...@gmail.com> wrote:
    >Thanks Roshan for bring this up.
    >For me moving toward 2.0.0 makes more sense.
    >I know master branch has similar issue (DRPC) and it also has
    >not-yet-ported things but if we are going to struggle with 1.x branch issue
    >again and again, Storm 2.0.0 will never come. Another recent headache issue
    >is JDK 7 vs JDK 8. Patch for master easily breaks for 1.x branch due to
    >this, and we just had to cancel another 1.1.0 RC vote.
    >We might want to discuss how to handle webservice like DRPC (My feeling is
    >that current approach is somewhat kinda hacky.), but we can initiate
    >different thread for more details.
    >If we really need long time to discuss above, I'm even OK to revert DRPC
    >port and start 2.0.0 with webservices unported, (DRPC, UI, Logviewer) and
    >address them at 2.1 or other minor versions.
    >Any other opinions?
    >- Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
    >2017년 3월 1일 (수) 오전 9:27, Roshan Naik <ros...@hortonworks.com>님이 작성:
    >Lately (about a week and half maybe) it has not been possible to get the
    >1.x-branch to build inside IntelliJ. None of the modules are able to locate
    >the  LocalCluster class (which is a clojure class). Previously, every once
    >in a while, I used to get this problem in the storm-starter module and was
    >able to get around it by doing a mvn clean install –DskipTests on the cmd
    >line and then doing a full rebuild of the project in IntelliJ.
    >Now the problem has become a lot more endemic (modules like storm-sql,
    >storm-*-examples, etc.). And the above workaround doesn’t help. Spent many
    >futile hours trying to work around the build issue within Intellij (both
    >2015 and 2016 versions and using different Clojure plugins).
    >There seems to possible ways to move forward:
    >-          Somebody here knows what magic to do work address this. And we
    >can all use that.
    >-          Bring in the java port of LocalCluster.clj from master branch to
    >1.x (STORM-1281). I spend a little time to see if this was easy to do, but
    >appears kind of complicated due to number of files involved and
    >dependencies on prior patches. Somebody familiar with the original porting
    >effort may be better person to take this up.
    >Thoughts ?

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