Hi all,

we received a pull request for our documentation with some minor changes. One 
of them was an update of the version number of StreamPipes in the maven 
archetype commands.

Now the question came up whether we should use the current version number in 
the command (or the documentation in general) [Example 1] or a template 
[Example 2]

The advantages of Example 1 are that developers can just copy and past it, 
which makes it easier to use. But since the version numbers have to be updated 
on each release it is harder to maintain.
Also when we forget to update it developers might get strange errors since 
their backend version and processor version might not be compatible.
Example 2 is easier to maintain, but developers have to change it every time 
they use it.

What do you think? What do you prefer or are there any alternative ideas?

Example 1:
mvn archetype:generate                                           \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.streampipes                             \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=streampipes-archetype-pe-processors-jvm  \

Example 2:
mvn archetype:generate                                           \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.streampipes                             \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=streampipes-archetype-pe-processors-jvm  \


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