Hi Steve,

thanks for your mail.
Yes, most of the adapters are pull bases, but StreamPipes also supports data 
sources that push events.
For an example you can have a look at the broker adapters (e.g. MQTT [1], Kafka 
[2], Pulsar [3]).

We could implement a similar solution for IoTDB, where we use a client library 
to consume the events.
How can we consume events produced in IoTDB in Java? Did you already implement 
such a client library? 

Please ask if you have any further questions or if you need help. 
I could for example provide you a template class with all the StreamPipes 
related API code. Then you can focus on the IoTDB integration part.



On 2020/05/10 16:36:39, Steve Yurong Su <s...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi,> 
> I'm Steve and I come from the IoTDB community. As we discussed with Philipp> 
> at [1], we really wanted to make IoTDB a data source in StreamPipes.> 
> I have read the codes of the adapters in StreamPipes, and it seems that all> 
> adapters are getting data from external systems by "pulling". Then my> 
> question is, if we don't want to rely on broker technologies, or any APIs> 
> in our system, is there any other way to transfer data to StreamPipes> 
> directly? For example, does StreamPipes have an API that allows external> 
> systems to register a source and allows external systems to push data to> 
> StreamPipes?> 
> Since I am not familiar with the source codes of StreamPipes, I hope to get> 
> your help :)> 
> [1]> 
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rcbe96b4f4ee1ec0b6f774ec03e962090aca290bd153d6ff9cf3ea96a%40%3Ciot.apache.org%3E>
> Best,> 
> Steve> 

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