
Jenkins jobs streams-master streams-project and streams-examples are blue with 
no test failures.

Jenkins jobs streams-project-verify and streams-examples-verify have been 
created and configured.

I’ve observed them successfully launching and reading/writing to docker 
containers, as well as collecting data from twitter using credentials supplied 
by the job.

After merging the open PRs and a bit more tinkering in Jenkins, I expect those 
jobs to be blue as well with all ITs passing project-wide.


On October 17, 2016 at 3:42:04 PM, sblackmon (sblack...@apache.org) wrote:


I’m working on the streams jenkins setup to increase our CI coverage and 
support more types of testing.

What’s changed code wise to precipitate changes?

- streams-master and streams-examples are now release artifacts and need CI
- some providers now contain integration tests that collect data live, but 
require working api credentials to do so
- some persisters (and all examples) now contain integration tests that launch 
supporting services with docker
- streams-project now contains modules that build maven plugins, and has 
testing that relies on those plugins

What’s changing? 

- integration testing (mvn verify) is being isolated from standard build (mvn 
- integration testing steps will be configured to launch docker containers and 
use test credentials to run the live data tests
- snapshots and site snapshots will publish as separate steps, contingent on 
stability of standard builds

Attached a diagram of the new build flow, which will be including on the 
continuous integration page of the website.

Dashed line: checkout
Dotted line: jenkins upstream/downstream relationships
Solid line: deployment of artifacts

Hint: you can click each node in the SVG to jump to a relevant URL.

I’m working on setting this up and hope to have everything fully working before 
the 0.4 release.  In the meantime you may see build failures as jobs and test 
plans are being refactored in STREAMS-429 branches.


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