Sorry to clug the dev list with this, but since the topic started here, I'll continue. What about this approach that when enable the use of regular Actions and would handle the multiple button problem

I like the concept of using single Actions since it isolates what you are doing in a single class (vs a method in a class). What I was thinking is in the cases where you needed to use multipe buttons on a form you could simple create an Action that would handle this request and call the appropriate Action. For example, you have yoru typical UserUpdateAction, UserDeleteAction etc., but then you might have a UserMultipleActionHandler that would call one of the above Actions based on a param. The benefit to this your regular Actions remain independent and can be used as normal. You'd only need the handler when you have multiple buttons submitting the form.

Uggh the whole problem with all of this is it seems like I'm going backwards:) In other words, my first MVC app had one controller servlet and simple Command objects that would be called (which would return a foward param). When you think about it, that's all Actions really are (but with a handle to the Request/Response).

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 9/17/2004 2:12 PM:

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 9/17/2004 11:03 AM:

The main reason I like the use of a DispatchAction is in regard to situations where you have multiple buttons on a form.

You know, the more I think about I think I might just go back to using reular ActionForms and not even bother with any of the Dispatch types. For cases where I would have a few extra buttons that would behave differently, I could just check that parameter in the execute method. I know this ends up being a dispatch of sorts, but to me it won't be 'that' bad since 1) I usually don't have that many situations where there are a lot of extra buttons on a form and 2) So what if it acts like a dispatch action? It's only a few extra lines of code creating the if/else checks for the parameter name (Or I can do one check for that dispatch paramater name and if exists just execute that ActionDispatcher class that Niall created ).

I'm still curious on other approaches concerning mutliple buttons that submit a form (that don't involve use of a Dispatch flavor).


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