At 11:58 AM -0600 11/23/04, Hubert Rabago wrote:
Specific apps would be able to do this, but I was trying to think from
the perspective of a plugin developer.  I haven't looked at an example
yet, but would the use of tiles require both a struts-config change to
activate the plugin, as well as a chain-config change to modify the
chain?  What if an app were to use multiple plugins that inject their
own commands at different points?  Do we leave the changes to the

Yes, right now you must configure the TilesPlugIn and you must also uncomment the TilesPreProcessor command in the chain. It would be easy enough to leave the TilesPreProcessor command "on" by default, since it doesn't complain if it can't find a tile -- but that doesn't really address your larger question.

Still, I think it would probably be better to wait for some plugins to materialize before guessing at exactly how to serve their needs.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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