On 08/10/2010 01:25 PM, Julian Foad wrote:
> Oh?  All I know about Andrew's particular requirements related to this
> query is what's quoted above - "If I ... accidentally leave the banned
> buildlog.htm file in ..." - which sounded vaguely like a requirement for
> a path-based rule.  Maybe I missed something.

I don't think you missed the requirement.  You merely offered a
non-solution.  :-)  Andrew said (essentially), "I need path-based rule
enforcement, but the one you offer -- the pre-commit hook -- has this nasty
side effect of only kicking in after the entire commit payload is on the
server."  You replied, "No - there are two different hooks, for precisely
this reason."  But Andrew can't benefit from that other hook, because it
can't do path-based rule enforcement.

C. Michael Pilato <cmpil...@collab.net>
CollabNet   <>   www.collab.net   <>   Distributed Development On Demand

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